1. Working principle of coal crusher

Coal crusher is an important equipment in coal production, mainly used to break down large pieces of coal into small pieces for the next step of processing and refining. The working principle of coal crusher is basically to use mechanical action to crush large pieces of coal into small pieces, so as to achieve the purpose of decomposition.

Specifically, the coal crusher puts the raw coal into the crusher, and the coal is crushed by the rotation and impact of the crushing gear to make the coal smaller. Among them, the crushing gear is one of the most important parts of the crusher. It can swing the coal repeatedly by rotating and swinging, so as to quickly break it into small pieces.

2. Key technologies and equipment of coal crusher

Coal crusher needs to involve a variety of technologies and equipment in the working process, which are very important for improving the crushing efficiency and quality. The following are the key technologies and equipment of coal crusher:

1. Cutting tool: The cutting tool of coal crusher is a key component for the comprehensive crushing and steady progress of the machine equipment. Different types of coal crushers require different types of cutting tools.

2. Hydraulic system: The hydraulic system in the coal mine crusher is usually composed of a hydraulic station, a plunger pump and a cylinder, which work together to provide strong support for the crusher.

3. Electric control system: The electric control system of the coal mine crusher is responsible for the electrical control and monitoring of the entire equipment, including motors, lubrication systems, sensors, etc.

4. Guide rail system: The guide rail system of the coal mine crusher is mainly used to control the position and speed of the cutting tool to ensure the crushing effect and crushing speed of the coal.

5. Transmission device: The coal mine crusher needs to rely on the transmission device to transfer mechanical energy to the cutting tool in order to crush the coal.

3. Development trend of coal mine crusher

The research and development and application of coal mine crushers have been very mature, and have played an important role in improving production efficiency and coal quality. However, facing the pressure of environmental protection and resource utilization, the future development direction of coal mine crushers is mainly concentrated in the following aspects:

1. High efficiency and energy saving: Coal mine crushers need to minimize energy consumption while improving crushing efficiency to ensure the environmental protection and sustainability of the production process.

2. Precision control: Coal mine crushers need to use modern scientific and technological means, such as artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology, to achieve intelligent and precise control of equipment.

3. Versatility: Coal mine crushers need to have multiple crushing functions to meet the needs of different coal qualities and uses. At the same time, coal mine crushers also need to consider their synergy with other equipment to achieve efficient and coordinated production processes.

In short, as an indispensable and important equipment in coal mine production, the principles and technological development trends of coal mine crushers are of great significance to improving coal production efficiency and quality.