1. The structure of the vertical shaft crusher

The vertical shaft crusher is composed of the equipment base, vertical shaft, feed port, crushing chamber, discharge port, motor, etc. Among them, the vertical shaft is the core part of the machine and the main component of the crusher to achieve material crushing.

2. The working process of the vertical shaft crusher

When the vertical shaft crusher is working, the material is fed into the crushing chamber through the feed port. Under the action of the high-speed rotation of the vertical shaft, the material is crushed and discharged through the discharge port. In this process, the accelerator inside the crusher can also hit the material to the crushing area of the crushing chamber, increasing the crushing effect of the material.

Compared with traditional crushers, the vertical shaft crusher has a better crushing effect and can handle harder materials. Due to the high-speed rotation of the vertical shaft, the material stays in the crushing chamber for a shorter time, reducing energy consumption and wear, and improving production efficiency.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of vertical shaft crusher

The vertical shaft crusher has the following advantages:

1. It can handle harder materials and has a better crushing effect.

2. The vertical shaft rotates at a high speed, and the material stays in the crushing chamber for a shorter time, reducing energy consumption and wear, and improving production efficiency.

3. Since there is no friction of wear parts during the crushing process, the maintenance cost is low.

However, the vertical shaft crusher also has some disadvantages:

1. Since the rotation speed of the vertical shaft is very high, the noise generated is relatively large.

2. The vibration generated during the operation of the vertical shaft crusher is relatively large, and anti-vibration measures are required, otherwise it will affect the equipment and staff.

IV. Conclusion

The vertical shaft crusher has the advantages of good crushing effect, low energy consumption, and low maintenance cost. It is suitable for crushing materials of various hardness. When using the vertical shaft crusher, it is necessary to pay attention to the safety and stability of the equipment. Reasonable use and maintenance of the equipment can effectively improve production efficiency and reduce costs.