1. Different working principles

The working principles of ball mills and crushers are very different. Crusher crushes raw materials through mechanical pressure to turn larger particles into smaller particles. Ball mills mainly grind particles into finer particles through the principle of rolling friction.

2. Different scope of application

Due to different working principles, ball mills and crushers have different scopes of application. Crusher is suitable for crushing materials with high hardness and hard texture, such as iron ore, copper ore, etc. Ball mills are mainly suitable for materials with medium hardness and medium viscosity, such as cement, limestone, etc.

3. Different crushing effects

The crushing effects of ball mills and crushers are also different. Crusher will generate a lot of dust during the crushing process, and the crushed particles are relatively regular, but the particle distribution is uneven. Ball mills can grind particles into finer powders during the grinding process, and the particle distribution is relatively uniform, which is suitable for preparing finer powders.

In summary, there are great differences between ball mills and crushers in terms of working principles, scope of application and crushing effects. Enterprises need to choose suitable crushing equipment to meet production needs during the production process.