Nankai University, located in Tianjin, is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China (PRC), a national "double-first-class" construction university and a national "211 Project" and "985 Project" construction university. As of December 2023, the school covers an area of 4,431,200 square meters, of which Balitai Campus covers an area of 1,216,000 square meters, Jinnan Campus covers an area of 2,458,900 square meters, TEDA Campus covers an area of 67,200 square meters, and the total school building area is 1,944,900 square meters. There are 28 professional colleges and 84 undergraduate majors; There are 32 first-level disciplines authorized by doctoral degrees, 1 second-level doctoral program not covered by first-level disciplines, 4 doctoral degree authorization points, 10 first-level disciplines authorized by master's degrees and 24 master's degree authorization points; There are 2,286 full-time teachers and 34,806 students, including 17,339 undergraduates, 11,863 postgraduates and 5,604 doctoral students. There are 84 undergraduate majors.