Recently, the experience of Ms. Zheng (pseudonym), a female professor at a university in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, once again sounded the alarm for the public to guard against online fraud.

Ms. Zheng, as a professor with a high reputation in the academic world, should have been an intellectual with keen insight into social phenomena, but unfortunately she fell into the careful layout of the fraudsters. The cause of the incident was a seemingly ordinary claim call. The other party claimed that the steamer Ms. Zheng bought online had quality problems and she could pay 100 yuan as compensation. At first, Ms. Zheng was vigilant and refused the compensation. But the fraudsters did not give up, and threatened that if they did not accept the compensation, their payment platform would be deducted 500 yuan per month. This sudden "loss" caused Ms. Zheng to panic and relax her vigilance.

Under the inducement of the fraudsters, Ms. Zheng agreed to use the screen sharing function so that the other party could guide her to operate. This move completely exposed her personal information and bank account security. Under the manipulation of the fraudsters, Ms. Zheng transferred huge amounts of deposits to the other party's designated account three times. It was not until the end that she suddenly realized the truth, but it was too late. Nearly one million deposits had fallen into the hands of the fraudsters.

This case has triggered deep reflections from all walks of life. The public's awareness of prevention needs to be improved urgently. Regardless of the level of education or professional background, anyone can become a victim when facing online fraud. Therefore, the government, schools, enterprises, etc. should increase publicity efforts to popularize common methods and preventive measures of online fraud, so that the public can always be vigilant.

The screen sharing function is a tool that facilitates users to operate remotely, but it has also been used by fraudsters as a weapon to steal personal information. This reminds us that when using any function involving personal information, we should be cautious to avoid leaking sensitive information. At the same time, relevant platforms should also strengthen technical protection to ensure the security of user information.

Legal supervision and crackdown efforts also need to be strengthened. The reason why online fraud is repeatedly banned is largely because the cost of breaking the law is low and the difficulty of crackdown is high. Therefore, the government should increase the crackdown on online fraud, improve relevant laws and regulations, and increase the cost of breaking the law. At the same time, we should strengthen cross-departmental collaboration to form a joint force to combat online fraud.

Education and guidance are equally important. In addition to strengthening awareness of prevention, we should also focus on cultivating the public's rational thinking and judgment ability. Through education and guidance, the public can remain calm and analyze rationally when facing online fraud, so as to effectively avoid being deceived.

Ms. Zheng's experience is regrettable, but what is more worthy of our deep thought is how to avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies. Online fraud is a complex social problem that requires the joint efforts of the government, society, individuals and other aspects. Only when each of us becomes a "firewall" to prevent online fraud can we jointly create a safe and harmonious network environment.